Girl in Bionic Suit 2005: This weekend in short paragraphs
Sunday, October 2
This weekend in short paragraphs

I’ve had it with ironing !

Some women love it, most hate it, and I just never do well at it. But that doesn’t give me an excuse to skip it, not when I have to iron more than half a dozen of shirts and pants each week. It’s worse when my favorite pieces ended up being the hardest to iron. Urgh.


I’d wanted to watch one movie dvd this weekend. I ended up watching half movies. Two halves to be exact; two different dvds were rejected by the player. Actually I wasn't sure if it was the player that was rejected by both discs (poor thing!) or the other way round.

Either way, my appetite was deviously whetted and then left hanging (2x!), just coz the player and discs had issues with each other.

Much like how the puppy always get stabbed in his sleep (poor puppy!), just coz Dee couldn't get along with his stacks and stacks of reading materials. Haha.


It’s weird but I think it’s cool when us girls jet off to different lands at the same time, and talk to each other online like it’s just another day when we were all on the same island.


Corpse Bride is finally opening in three days’ time ! I can hardly wait.
posted by redshot on 2.10.05


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm curious about corpse bride as well...lemme know if its worth a theatre trip :D i'm definitely going to see wallace and gromit-they are opening soon here!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh..and you switched to WordPress??? how do you like it??


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