Girl in Bionic Suit 2005: It’s a warm up
Sunday, August 7
It’s a warm up

It’s been a while, so well … let’s see, if I can start up the writing engine again. Let’s begin with something small.

Okay, I’m picking up aerobics. Coupla of weeks back, I shopped ‘ard online for a course, called the sports center, spoke to a good lady called HS, asked a few questions and generally assumed that that she would be my instructor.

Turned out I got a tall, dark, hunky male instructor instead.

Sure, he may be a tanned Vin Diesel who dances well and all. But really, I’m not sure if it’s any big bonus.

He’s almost always late for classes, never makes up for lost time, and often lets us off early. I seldom catch the instructions that he shouts out in class because his words stick together; I’ve to take to mimicking the steps of the experienced ones in front of me for weeks. Gets pretty frustrating sometimes, I tell yer.

When I took up my place at the extreme right side of the class, I always get pushed to the corner. Oh how I hated that.

Few could see me in the enormous mirror right at the front of the dance studio, even though it covers nearly the length of the studio. You see, I actually had to do my stuff facing THE DOOR.

And right besides the blasting speakers too. By the end of 40 min, I was usually quite deaf.

So I switched position and migrated to the left of the class.

Where, for some mysterious reasons, they don’t do as much squeezing-dancers-to-a-corner. There, I get space, and rendezvous with the mirror from time to time (since I am still at the back). I don’t get eaten up by the booming music (fresh new experience). And I make acquaintance with a friendly lady who, like me, is a novice (yeahh).

Yes, my handsome instructor is still late for classes, and shouts mashed up strings of instructions. But now, I am removed from where the deafening music makes my head spin. I have room. I am catching up on the moves. I get to know someone new. So yeah, I am good.


PS : If you know any good aerobics titles on books or discs, tell me. I would love to check them out.
posted by redshot on 7.8.05


Blogger Camoranesi said...

hey angie, this reminds me of the time when i was younger. i wld be glued to the goggle box watching aerobics oz style and laughing at the funny 80s hairdo. :)


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