Girl in Bionic Suit 2005: The dictator
Wednesday, June 22
The dictator

Lecter the lean meat machine is the king of random aimless walks. He takes me for my daily walks, and makes sure I go his way, or none. If I wanna go left, and Lecter the walker decides no, he makes sure it stays his way. Should I be foolish enough to insist otherwise, the scruffy walker would promptly plant his big butt firmly on the ground and howl like a drama mama. Well not really. He just sits there, and refuses to move. Furry piece of rock. Sheesh. I wish he wouldn’t do that, because now I’m probably known in the estate as that girl with the leashed rock.

This morning, I heard something on the radio that made me go what the hell ? A lady had called in to *complain* politely that Singapore should not have any kind of late hours entertainment because, guess what, it keeps her daughter (and all young people) out late. Which is, of course, really bad for them, and it is all the nation's fault because *if only everything closes shop at 5 pm in the evening, all youngsters would flock home by 6 pm (the lady didn't actually quote this 5 pm, 6 pm e.g. but it sounded like what she would have said if not for the time limit/call). If late hours entertainment = daughter stays out late, then logically speaking, no late hours entertainment = daughter returning home early. Sure thing, lady.
posted by redshot on 22.6.05


Blogger darth said...

yeah..thats gonna work.

actually, all the young people will come HANG OUT AT HER HOUSE.

and i hear ya on the dog thing..of course, :sausagedog: weighs almost 90 lbs (down from over 100 lbs tho!) so, she's more like a ton of rock when she doesn't want to go somewhere.

Blogger teahouse said...

Crazy overprotective Asian I don't know what that's like! ;o)


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