Girl in Bionic Suit 2005: The super Lomo shots
Tuesday, March 8
The super Lomo shots

The Lomo camera was originally a KGB spy camera. Now it is a pop culture icon, due in no small part to the power of brilliant marketing.

Lomo photos are characteristically overexposed, saturated with colors and have a tunneling effect where the edges of the photos are darker.

I first saw an ActionSampler, one of the core Lomo models, at projectshopBLOODbros at Wisma. For a toy camera with cheap plastic parts, the price was a stretch.

Then Mr. Ego got one and shot madly with it. He then proceeded to spam his friends the pictures. That was Lomo love at second sight for me.

A year later, yshwer got a Holga for her birthday. So here we have, a few of our favorite ones from her virgin film:

And because I found way to cheat with my shots, here are mine, of the only model I sleep with:

posted by redshot on 8.3.05


Blogger darth said...

i love those cameras..they add such character and mood to the shots...i think my friend bella has a holga, i remember her joy at finding one..she has semi-pro digital cameras, 35mm SLRs, but she loves the holga.

and is lecter photogenic, or WHAT?

Blogger zeenie said...

Lecter is just sooooo cute! Wish i could shrink mine back into that size...

Blogger Firdaus said...

if you're using gimp, there's a script that can replicate that lomo effect. ;)


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