Hello Jeso, you need to load your video onto a server. Tripod (tripod.com) and Geocities (geocities.com) are some of the free ones around.
After that, just embed the html code into your entry. The code is widely available online, or if you need my help, you can email me at girlinbionicsuit at gmail.com.
wat's tat thing on his lil foot?!?!
mouse trap?!?!
That's his bone there. No idea how it kana stuck in his paw too. Stupid dog. Haha.
stuck in his paw?!?!?!
just visit your blog, your dog is really funny. by the way how do you post a video here in blogger. hope you could help me out.
Hello Jeso, you need to load your video onto a server. Tripod (tripod.com) and Geocities (geocities.com) are some of the free ones around.
After that, just embed the html code into your entry. The code is widely available online, or if you need my help, you can email me at girlinbionicsuit at gmail.com.
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